Reports: Product Metrics - Operating System

Reports: Product Metrics - Operating System

Understanding operating system metrics is critical to software development. Report on distribution by version, platform, language, and architecture.

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About this course

Analyze language distribution

Quickly analyze the distribution of users by the language settings of their OS, helping you make metric-driven decisions on adding language support or improving localization.

Discover platform and version adoption

See how many users are running your application by platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) and which versions of those platforms have the greatest adoption rates, helping you make more informed product roadmap decisions.

Understand architecture environments

Analyze how many users run your application in 64 versus 32 bit environments to ensure the best customer experience and prioritize product updates.


  • Build software that works for the greatest number of users
  • Parse the most important OS metrics – version, platform, language and architecture
  • Focus software support accurately
  • Confidently sunset editions that run on less popular operating systems
  • Prioritize development per OS by region, language and user behavior

About this course

Analyze language distribution

Quickly analyze the distribution of users by the language settings of their OS, helping you make metric-driven decisions on adding language support or improving localization.

Discover platform and version adoption

See how many users are running your application by platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) and which versions of those platforms have the greatest adoption rates, helping you make more informed product roadmap decisions.

Understand architecture environments

Analyze how many users run your application in 64 versus 32 bit environments to ensure the best customer experience and prioritize product updates.


  • Build software that works for the greatest number of users
  • Parse the most important OS metrics – version, platform, language and architecture
  • Focus software support accurately
  • Confidently sunset editions that run on less popular operating systems
  • Prioritize development per OS by region, language and user behavior